Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's my Westmoreland Tennessee!

This past week on more than one occasion I've been asked "just what is "My Westmoreland, Tennessee!?" Well the answer is simple. Having lived in Westmoreland all my life, after serving the citizens for eight years on the City council and after much thought and reflection. To me personally "It's my Westmoreland, Tennessee" is a very personal reflection of the Westmoreland of my childhood and a positive vision of what the Westmoreland of the future could become.

But that's not all "It's my Westmoreland, Tennessee" is. It should be something to each and everyone of you. It's bigger than my own personal views of our hometown. It doesn't matter if you grew up here, recently decided to make Westmoreland your home, if you are a local business person, a volunteer at the food bank, a visitor to the library, a city employee, a teacher at our schools, a pastor of a local church, if you're concerned about that pot hole at the end of the street, or you're concerned about that high water bill and so on "It's my Westmoreland, Tennessee" is something special and different to each of you.

Think about it for a minute before you read further. What are your roots here in Westmoreland? What in Westmoreland holds a special place In your heart? What are the issues that concern you most about Westmoreland's present and it's future?

"It's my Westmoreland, Tennessee" are all these things and much more to each and everyone of you. I cannot answer these questions to what Westmoreland is to you and I'm not trying to tell you what "It's my Westmoreland, Tennessee" should mean to you.

I do know this, regardless of what "It's my Westmoreland, Tennessee" is to you, what your view of what lies ahead for Westmoreland's future it will not be successful and there will not be a good outcome unless a positive plan is put in place. The City council and all citizens and civic groups need to work together having an open dialog including everyone's vision of what everyone would like to see regarding the future growth and development of Westmoreland.

Westmoreland as whole is at a turning point in history and much work needs to be done to ensure a bright future for younger generations of Westmoreland citizens to be able to enjoy some of those very things that are very special to each of us.

It is my view that regardless of who you are, what group you represent and how you feel about others efforts to make Westmoreland what they would like it to become, everyone needs to come to the table with one voice. A voice that says "It's my Westmoreland, Tennessee" and I want it's future to be bright.

I'm asking each of you to be a part of "It's my Westmoreland, Tennessee" and take part in the shaping of Westmoreland's future. Attend the council meetings, join the chamber of commerce, come ask questions about what's important to you. Ask what steps are being taken to make Westmoreland's future vibrant. Do your part to express your views. Let's all have a conversation about Westmoreland's future. Let's not sit back and let the world pass Westmoreland by. Let's work together to send the message to our neighboring cities and counties that Westmoreland is growing and doing it right.

I would like to hear from you. "It's my Westmoreland, Tennessee" needs your voice. I'm encouraging you to write letters to the editor sharing what's special for you, why you call Westmoreland your home. Share special memories about what you loved about Westmoreland growing up. What concerns you the most about Westmoreland now and most importantly what are your views on the direction Westmoreland needs to go in the future.

Through my Internet blog "It's my Westmoreland Tennessee" and on my personal Facebook page I love to share pictures of the beautiful things in around Westmoreland with others. I am blessed to call Westmoreland my home and I love sharing it's beauty and good with everyone I come in contact with. After all it's not just "It's my Westmoreland, Tennessee" it's your Westmoreland too. Let's make its future bright! Importantly let's do it together with one voice! Thank you for all that you do for Westmoreland.

James Brian Smalling - founder of "It's my Westmoreland, Tennessee."

Spring in Westmoreland Tn!

Spring in Westmoreland Tennessee